The Purple Heart Plaza features the nationally recognized Purple Heart Monument along with a donor brick program allowing the public to purchase an engraved paver to honor someone who has served in the United States Armed Forces. The pavers will be installed at the Plaza along the walk to the Purple Heart Monument.
The veteran being honored or remembered need not be a Purple Heart recipient.
Each paver size allows for 16 characters per line which includes spaces and punctuation.
- 4”x 8” with three lines of text ($75)
- 8”x 8” with five lines of text ($100)
- 8”x 8” with three lines of text and a 2” medallion ($150)
- 8”x 8” with two lines of text and a 3” medallion ($175)
NOTE: When ordering a medallion please specify branch requested using “order notes” at checkout (Army, Marine, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Merchant Marine.)
Bricks damaged through normal wear and tear will be replaced by Chapter 730 at no additional
Select Your Paver Type